Render of IOLITA Premium Desk: A visual representation showcasing the compact and ergonomic design for small studio apartments (2021).


The challenge was designing a compact, ergonomic desk for small studio apartments.


The goal was to create a multi-functional desk that transitioned between work and leisure.


The solution was the IOLITA desk, a space-optimized, innovative design offering a cozy ambiance while maximizing available space.

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

William Morris

The Result: Your Studio, Elevated

Every curve and contour are thoughtfully crafted to maximize functionality without compromising on style.

IOLITA’s innovative design takes center stage, offering a compact yet ergonomic workspace.

Render of IOLITA Premium Desk: A visual representation showcasing the compact and ergonomic design for small studio apartments (2021).