Lighter Modeling

Section View Rendering of Lighter Modeling: A detailed representation illustrating a cutaway view to reveal internal components and assembly details.


The challenge was to attain high accuracy in modeling, ensuring every component was meticulously represented for a thorough understanding of the assembly and manufacturing process.


The goal was to create detailed models that could serve as a robust foundation for the manufacturing phase.


The result was highly accurate models of a lighter, providing clear insights into the assembly and manufacturing workflow, demonstrating the capabilities of Solidworks for precision product design and development.

Section View Rendering of Lighter Modeling: A detailed representation illustrating a cutaway view to reveal internal components and assembly details.

Our models offer a transparent view of how each component seamlessly comes together, providing invaluable insights for the manufacturing phase.

Our commitment to precision goes beyond the surface, providing a comprehensive understanding of the product’s inner workings.

Every detail, every nuance is meticulously crafted, ensuring a seamless transition from design to production.

Lighter Modeling: Detailed 3D models showcasing precision in assembly and manufacturing processes (2018).